About Emily

emily self portrait
emily self portrait

Hi there! I'm Emily and I've been building things for the internet since the days of BBCode and Geocities in the early 00s. It's been a long time since then and now I'm a software engineer with Crocodile Labs, a start-up building a new DeFi cryptocurrency exchange.

My work is something in which I take great pride. While no detail is unimportant, I particularly care about designs being clean and intuitive, code that's efficient and modular, and extensive documentation.

Outside of work I love spending time with my wife. We greatly enjoy playing board games, camping in our trailer, cooking, the New York Rangers, fishing, and wine tasting.

Please look around this site to get to know me better. I'm currently quite happily employed but always interested in making new network contacts or discovering future opportunities.

I'm a proud alumnus of Richard Stockton University, General Assembly, and the Marine Academy of Science and Technology. I'm always up for connecting with other alumni or current students from the places I've been; feel free to reach out if that's you!

Key Skills

JavaScript ES6+ | TypeScript | HTML5 | CSS3

React | GatsbyJS | Node.js | Express | jQuery

Python 3 | Django

MongoDB | Mongoose | PostgreSQL | GraphQL

CLI & Git | GitHub | Agile Process | UX/UI

MERN Stack | MEN Stack

JavaScript ES6+



Python & Django




Express & EJS


MongoDB & Mongoose



CLI & Git


Agile Process


MERN Stack

MEN Stack

© 2022 Emily Smith